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Old 01-27-2009, 02:19 AM   #61
Join Date: Jan 2009
Gametype: Capture the Flag
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Originally Posted by tu! View Post
been said this since day 1.
Are you saying you agree or that its something that has been brought up before?

I know its been a problem for people in the past. Personally, I am about 100% committed to making a team/clan for this game, but ill never do so unless the FF Team are able to make the models bigger and make it where the players can not act like brick walls anymore. In my opinion it was also a major problem in TFC, but you could at least SEE THE MODELS and just avoid them. It should really just be making them bigger, but a total REVAMP of the character models to make them a bit more visible

I can personally do without my skimming suggestion because the current really isnt all that bad, I actually think its pretty good, just the Q3F-skimming would be an improvement in my opinion.

Im not trying to imply my not making a team as a threat, just that other people may share the same sentiment and these changes could probably attract more people.

As for the tagging, instead of it being visual, how about audio? Like a soft beep and only the sniper gets the benefit of a visual tag

Last edited by Toastie; 01-27-2009 at 02:34 AM.
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