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Old 01-20-2009, 11:30 PM   #133
Fortress Forever Staff
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I'm pretty sure we CAN please everyone eventually. The problems that Credge lists are real, but can be solved through gameplay changes. The engineer should not have to rely on other defenders so much, and to do this we need to decouple the engineer from sitting behind the SG the whole game holding down his attack button. I dont think adjusting the scoring system is the right way to approach this part of the (much larger) problem. I'm working on some SG redesigns which I think WILL please everyone, but it'll take time and a lot of testing.

2.2 was supposed to be a fast patch to fix the HW and the dispenser-bag crash, but it dragged on and on. So i'm sorry to everyone who thought the SG would get a major rebalancing due to the time it took to come out. Rest assured that the SG stuff is still to come.

Its a shame we didnt get around to it for 2.2, but hopefully it'll be worth the wait.
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