Thread: (WIP) FF_???
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Old 11-21-2008, 04:59 AM   #26
FF Loremaster
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Worked on the next room some. Got the basic design down, looking to spruce it up with some bits and pieces. Unsure on the light placements.

In the next screen, the light that my cross hairs are on is going to move. Dunno why I put it there.

The pink block is a WIP area. SHHH IT'S A SECRET!

Not as exciting as the other room. There was a real PITA part of this room that I'm not going to take screenshots of. It's in the roof. The two segments meeting is where the problem was. Took me a while to figure out a solution, but once I did it was fairly smooth.

Not sold on the lighting yet. Dunno what to do with it.
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Ronald Reagan
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