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Old 11-19-2008, 05:06 PM   #14
Whitest Kid You Know
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Balanced or not guys, there's always going to be players bitching to the developers, taking the advantage that they actually listen to their community. This is what annoys me. We all have a different skill in gameplay, so we all have our own unique opinion on an issue.

Me for example: I do believe the sg is slightly underpowered this patch, but in most situations it'll kick your ass anyway. Reminder that during pubbing, it's not exactly a 1v1. Usually the SG is in their own base. So if I'm going offense, I'm not exactly going to have an even match. I'm probably going to be damaged by other enemies on top of my effort of destroying a sentry gun, being a soldier in this situation.

But then again, when you think about it the other way around, there are times when there is a heavy offense coming after your small defense. This gives you a hard time keeping your sentry up.

What does this bring the problem to? Team-cooperation, teamwork. When I'm going around as a defensive soldier and see a friendly engineer dealing with the enemy whose trying to destroy his sentry, I help out. I hop my ass to that wall or room the enemy is in, and I kill him before he could finish off my engineer's sentry gun.

Gameplay is never the same; every match is unique. There will be times your defense is strong, other times weak. Having this a 50/50 chance, wanting to strengthen the sentry gun will increase odds of your sg living no matter what gameplay situation it is, and that's not right.

The solution? Deal with it. Gameplay values won't always go your way. Because if it was a true 1v1 out in the open, your sentry gun has a good chance of annihilating the enemy. If it's in base and they're taking single shots and hiding behind a wall, it's called strategy. They have one, so where's yours, other than the strategy of complaining on the forums trying to have it your way?
Oh, man... More armor for the win, yeah?
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