Thread: Spore DRM
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Old 08-24-2008, 04:45 AM   #13
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I've got a good idea. I was planning on doing this for Mass Effect (which you need to have an internet connection to play), but I'll probably do it for spore too.

I'm going to buy the game, keep the receipt and not open the box. THEN I'm going to download a cracked version of the game without all the DRM bullshit. I'm then going to mail the unopened box and a copy of the receipt back to the publisher with a letter saying something along the lines of:

"I liked your product and wanted to support the developers making a great game, but the DRM was annoying. I downloaded a cracked version of the game which is superior in that it isn't annoying to install/use, and no longer need the retail version. You can have it back."

That's my plan.

Basically, my stance on piracy all depends on what is a better product. If the best product is the retail one, I will buy it. I like having music on CDs, and it's typically higher quality than the MP3s you download. Therefore, I buy CDs for a lot of the music I listen to. The retail version of windows comes with a lot of extra bullshit that you don't need that gets installed automatically, and, worse, sometimes rapes you with Windows Genuine Advantage. A haxed version does not. So I won't buy a copy of windows.

Basically, I agree with Mooga that this DRM crap will encourage piracy. I'd like to actively encourage developers/publishers to stop it by sending them a direct message.
TG: pretty much you have no idea how much i fuckin own at this game.
TG: i bested no less than three flaming tornados and broke a huge wizard.
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