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Old 07-18-2008, 01:00 AM   #1
Fortress Forever Staff
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Dev. Journal: z0rt (2008-07-17)

Star date: F*ck The World!

Life has begat moi a fecundity of failure, meaning life sucks. I've been forced to reformat the hard drive on my laptop. As if that weren't bad enough, I came back home from work today to see my computer off. So I did what anyone would do... I turned it on. Then, out of the ordinary, the fuses blew and the power to my house went out. So we flipped the switches to return the power, and of course I turned my computer on. Rather than the usual stupid windows boot up screen, I heard scratches-- nasty scratches. "What could it be," I thought? And then I realized that two of my hard drives on my desktop computer were... guess what? That's right, they crashed. My Western Digital hard drives, the brand I always swore to, had died on me. So now, I hate Western Digitals and I hate Seagate. I've always hated Intel, but now I hate them even more. Don't ask me why, I am not a man of logic (not now anyway).

Today, I've been left with a 4 year old 120GB hard drive, and a laptop with a virus infested windows partition-- but don't worry, the linux partition is fine (for now... knock on mother f*cking wood).

I have to ask myself, with all honesty, why so many bad things could happen. What have I done to deserve all these bad things? Why couldn't I have gotten 1 more point on my final last month to get an A instead of a shitty A-? Why has the backup hard drive died. Why does Norton not know anything about this stupid virus. Why have I lost all my Kung-Fu movies and Anime that I've spent YEARS collecting? Why!? WHY!?!?!?!?

Spare me your pity. My beef is with God (and Western Digital, and Intel, and Seagate, and jkkJcBtT.dll, and Asus and...).
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