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Old 06-25-2008, 03:56 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Innoc
There is no chance in hell I'd play any MMO. It's a complete mismatch for how I play games. I spend WAY too much time outside and interact with other humans on a regular basis for MMO's.
I don't really understand this position. I played EQ rather casually for 4 years and only got to level 48 (with various other level 40 characters) out of, by that time, 80 (70?). The idea that one does not have time for an MMO is just like saying you don't have time for any game. MMO's have gone from being major time sinks (like EQ, although they most certainly did not require you to put in major time sinks) to casual things you play for, on average, 7 hours a week.

Also, interact with other humans? Eh? Maybe I simply don't understand what you mean since MMO's equate to interacting with others both willingly and unwillingly.
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