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Old 05-13-2008, 01:31 AM   #34
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Sports medicine major.

Long story short... Lift weights, run 5 days a week, get enough water at the right times, and consume only the calories you need for the day.

Nutritionally you can calculate calories from the foods your eating, and then you can calculate how many calories you might expect to burn in a day with running, lifting, and basal metabolism.

Eating healthier foods is good, but you dont need to go to the extreme with it. Just try to avoid shitty foods. Eating diverse foods is helpful... tuna fish, fruits, whatever. Personally I try to avoid 'sugars' but consume other carbohydrates. Some is alright...

You don't necessarily need to lose weight, you just need to change your body composition like someone already mentioned. So eating the right amount of food might actually be more food than you normally consume. Avoid eating before sleep, and always eat breakfast.
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