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Old 05-02-2008, 03:29 AM   #1
Green Mushy
Fortress Forever Staff
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5v5, a bad format for FF league.

On thursday, sta match day, we didnt have enough for 7 people. The opposing clan, nice as they are, let us play 6v6. I have to say, it was much more fun then any 5v5 i have ever done. 5v5 is boring, the D is bored, the D knows where you are constantly, and it doesnt have the right fast paced fortress feel. 6v6 on the other hand, was a blast. We played on openfire and it was madness. Both teams were capping a lot and it was intense trying to keep up with one another. Chaos, spam, pressure, and crazy stuff was going on. 6v6 is awesome. I propose that we throw away the stupid 5v5 format and upgrade it to 6v6.

If finding players is still a problem for that. I propose and OvD switch league. The game of FF is so much more fun when played in chaos, not slow and boring.
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