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Old 04-22-2008, 03:28 PM   #20
Black Cyclops
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Yes with teleports there is inevitably a chance that people will find a way to get stuck, the key is minimising the chance so it is negligible. If you use the method i describe above, there is a chance that two players will use the teleport at exactly the same time and be teleported into each other. This is a small chance because they would have to use it at exactly the same time.

Now, if you split your concmaps floor into multiple teleporters instead of one big one, and they each lead to seperate exits, then the only way for a player to get stuck is to fall into exactly the same place at exactly the same time. This mean sthere is still a slight possibility of players getting stuck.

Now, if you make each teleporter small enough so only one person can get through at a time, you greatly increase the amount of triggers you need to use, but make it impossible for 2 players to use the same teleporter at exactly the same time.

If the destination is high up or moving so they cant hang around inside it, they cant block it from other players teleporting, and so you make it almost impossible to get stuck. The only way remaining for a player to get stuck, is to actually conc or rocket jump through a destination - which is invisible and moving - at exactly the same time a player enters the teleport. If this remaining loophole is too much for you to bear and you can no longer get to sleep at night thinking about the possibility, then you can use trigger_push entitys to make access to the floating invisible moving teleport destinations one way only - ie if you try and get back into the area after a telporter throws you out of it, the push entity pushes you back and blocks you.

It is all about how much you care about the tiniest chance of players getting stuck against how much effort and resources it takes to make it impossible. usually a balance of both is satisfactory.

Last edited by BumGravy; 04-22-2008 at 03:41 PM.
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