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Old 03-30-2008, 02:19 PM   #41
Wizard of Milk
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Wow, I honestly didn't think the map would pose much trouble at all, only jump 12 "The Triple Wha..." would be the most difficult I thought. Maybe I've been doing this traditional rj'ing for too long If I can I'll try to get a demo of me going through it and post it.

As for some of those jumps Happy, like Precision 101, that hole is pretty big I thought! Quadangular is the same as a double rj, never have to let go of the mouse button The water one isn't difficult, though everyone from the TF2 side was complaining big on this one. It's not difficult using jump/forward/back or however you like to do it, but as a tip bind a key to '+moveup' (that's 'swimup' in keyboard config menu), since just plain Quake it's made water a lot easier (or at least for me ) And that little platform is suppose to be evil, it's Jump 13!

I'll try to get a demo sometime and maybe later in the future break down this version and make a rckteer_beginner for FF. I currently have the advanced version in the works (though slowly going with SoTF and real life going on. This weekend is shot for me as my lady friend is up for the weekend and my brother had his baby Friday so I gotta go visit.)

But everything is duly noted and thank all of you for playing/testing it. I'll work on something easier (with bigger plats, promise!)
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