Thread: (Released) counc_course!
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Old 03-11-2008, 11:57 AM   #89
Join Date: Mar 2007
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an invisible wall where you could go through? wtf?
could be back of the displacement, if you stand on the other side of the invisble wall, do you see rock?

and i have had a friend play the map (fist time he played ff) and he got stuck in that part you showed me (last screen), its a window ... the big part on the left is the hallway where you can go to the other side

and the lights, well i thought i fixed those, but seems not, well, its not that bad anyway.

and the darkness, its the same as in the last beta, but i cranked up the constant and brightness of every single light

as for conc_course2, the skill required for that map will be a lot higher, but that will lead into a tiny little problem: i cant conc that good
first jump is an O-jump over the top, second one is to aim in a hole in the ceiling (just to pass the gap between that jump and the following jump ) the tird one is a s-jump, then we have another o jump, but this time not over the top but under the platform and then ... (well, need to think of the rest).

also i made the platforms even bigger since one thing that really annoys me is having other concers conc you off the platform , and i also hate the teleporter piles (players stuck into eachother), but thats not an issue with my conc script anyway

EDIT: hehe, i used quite a lot of
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