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Old 03-02-2008, 08:45 AM   #17
Lt Llama
Join Date: Mar 2007
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I think its great to have non quad rj maps for a while before adding quad.
In TFC there where only non quad maps at start. Today very few enjoy those maps in TFC, but if you wanna play a skills map to improve your skills, a non quad, no nade rj map is far better than with quad. For people who only play skills maps they want quad as you can do very spectacular jumps with it.

Yup, the current quad in FF is very easy, but its just to adapt as a mapper and make it hard. It's no problem making hard jumps with the current quad.

But I would wait to see if the dev team decides to implement quad before making some huge quad maps. Maybe they decide to tweek it, which would make any map done now with quad, non doable.
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