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Old 02-12-2008, 12:59 AM   #10
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If this is your first map project don't try anything weird like a map where the players ride trains around. You'll get stuck in the details and never finish it. Besides, the trains in Source are laggy. The most I would attempt do with the trains (and I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about this stuff) is have one run through once in a while, maybe with a chance to squish some players.

You're off to a good start on this one area. You don't want to put much work into building anything until you have a good idea of how the map is going to be laid out and how stuff connects together. Because chances are you are going to come to a point where you have to delete stuff, and you want that to be as pain-free as possible.

And as far as joining you on the map, I'll have to pass because:
1. I've tried collaborating before and I don't like it
2. my PC is not in great shape atm
3. I've many priorities before mapping right now

But anytime you have a question I'll try to answer it, or give advice.
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