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Old 02-06-2008, 09:07 PM   #3
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The biggest problem with WoW is that it's so average that it excels at nothing. This, however, is why it is so popular... much like Halo. That, coupled with it generally being the 'first' of a genre that most people play make the people who play it go ape-shit over it... much like Halo.

The PVP isn't very fun. At least not when compared with games like DAoC or GW. The PVE isn't very fun. At least not when compared with games like EQ or AO. The Raiding isn't very fun. At least not when compared with games like EQ or DAOC.

It simply doesn't excel at anything. That, coupled with many MMO's that are coming out that want to copy this formula simply make MMO's look like a terribly bad choice for a game.

Here's hoping WAR and AoC aren't poop.
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Ronald Reagan
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