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Old 01-29-2008, 09:31 PM   #287
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Yes but think about what's happening in the scenario you described. 1 solly using his nail grenade, 1 rocket, 1 nade and probably a bit more just to take down that engy/sg. One whole offensive unit sacrificed for a single task.
Yeah, so when engineer's realize their sg's are simply an annoyance or distraction, it makes them want to go to hwguy where at least they can kill and survive better than their sg can.

Sounds to me no matter how weak an sg is, it's still doing it's job by creating a distraction.
Is this really the attitude people take towards sg's? I mean I used to look at sg's as your main line of defense. They are completely stationary, so they need extra help to compensate. Sg's shouldn't be a distraction, they should be a menace. You should have to figure out how you're going to take it out so your team move forward, not a distraction that you have to devote a couple seconds between conc jumping to getting rid of.

ANY class should be able to take down an unguarded sg within seconds.
Yes, that's currently the case, but WHY? Why the hell should a medic or a scout be able to take out an sg from medium range? It should be tearing people to shreds. An engineer should only have to worry about spies, long range attacks, or serious assaults when he leaves it unguarded. If anybody of any class can take out an sg in seconds without a scratch, that means that sg's are weaker than any other unit in the game. Considering how the engineer is the second weakest class anyway, what's going to be the point of even being an engineer?
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