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Old 01-24-2008, 07:35 PM   #54
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Wow, I have to be honest in saying when I stepped away from FF it would be for good because of the lack of direction...but I must say this will bring me back to try it again if not to play consistently.

In regards to the engy's not being buffed, perhaps something could be done with their dispensers...maybe an instant health/armor buff taking all of the resources out of the dispenser with a say...10 minute recharge...or perhaps a different SG version...maybe instead of rockets one that has a flamethrower...I don't know, don't think that engineers should get the shaft TBH.

The jump pad is a great idea, the yards on some maps (especially aardvark) are massive, and even if you're a soldier or pyro on offense, you can't help but getting pegged 9/10 times in the yard. I do feel however, that the distance a player travels should depend on their classes speed...i.e scouts get the most benefit while heavies/sollies benefit less as their role isn't specifically an offensive class, have to maintain a fair balance. We should keep in mind that in order to place a jump pad in a beneficial area, it will be exposed to enemy fire, and easily destroyable (disregard that, its indestructable...o_O) , you couldn't put a jump pad in a small room and have it benefit. Perhaps give spies an ability to convert a jump pad they find into one for their team, or have it change the direction the other team travels, so if the pad is sabotaged it will send the team flying in the opposite direction instead of the one desired.

All in all, I am very impressed with the work that the team has brought and the leadership that Aftershock has brought, Kudos devs!
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