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Old 11-12-2007, 04:12 AM   #153
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Saint Thoth
Yes, let’s do that, let’s go the TF2 route and just remove all the major aspects of TF.

Besides, in the video interview I saw with him, he said they designed the medic to create a bond between two players.

Granted, in reality, it’s just one medic constantly trying to get Uber, and being basically ignored by the rest of his team who pay no attention to where he actually is – but at least he gets to “feel” like he’s doing teamwork.

Suffice to say I don't want to go the dark, bleak path of TF2 where we start removing critical team-play aspects on the basis that they can "annoy" some players. We lose grenades, player boosting, and devolve into a pointless mod real fast that way, given that well, someone already took that dark, bleak path.
Did I say FF had to do that? No. I was just answering the question. Also, TF2 has no infection at all. At least right now FF still has infection.

You all don't have to get all defensive every time TF2 is mentioned on these boards.
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