Thread: (Released) ff_openfire_b2
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Old 10-28-2007, 01:57 PM   #14
Custom mapper
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I enjoyed it, a few thoughts;

The water in the middle of the yard could do with a smoother transition to the to the front doors I think the boxes etc may get in the way are they non solid? If not that would be a good idea, if that is done sinking them into the grass a bit more will make it feel less weird.

Snipers make the yard hell, snipers are very well and good in hunted and dust bowl but have no real function on a ctf map. All they do is anoy and therefore discourage attackers and hide in the midfield.

The cliffs could do with having another layer which extends to much greater height, so the map looks like the bases are at opposite ends of a gorge.
The large team coloured walls in the yard near the bridge could do with being broken up a bit as they are a bit bland. Maybe a few pillars set into it?

The team coloured bits sticking out from the cliffs look bad, if you want something there why not try arches sticking out from a large dome (make using a torus).[/edit]

I still think replacing the stairs with ramps is worth doing on this map, improving game play flow can only be a good thing. Defence as a huge bias from the class balance anyway.

Last edited by own3r; 10-28-2007 at 02:11 PM.
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