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Old 10-17-2007, 12:40 PM   #52
Nigel Mainsail
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
Server rules are pretty lax on this server, common sense kicks are all I've seen. Most of the people getting kicked are relatively clued up players that seem to purposely join, not really to break the rules but to just wind players up.
These 'newbies' that everyone talks about in these server and 'ff is dying' threads, are people that join a server with rules, ignore them all, ignore the people asking for them not to do whatever, get kicked and never load up the game again - do they really exist? Are they the sort of players that are going to stick the game out, learn it and start playing in leagues and stuff (which is what we're talking about yeah?). They'd be better off never playing the game again after trying one server than trying to stick it out with such a hostile community.
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