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Old 10-13-2007, 03:20 PM   #46
Poo Puppet
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
Originally Posted by df`
Aardvark is the worst. If you're not a medic or a scout you have no hope of crossing the enormous midfield, and even if you are it's a tossup. As a soldier, the instant you step out of the base, bam, 1 shotted or bam, reduced to 6 health/zero armor, at which point you may as well just suicide. Every damn time.
Now add silly 'league' rules which don't allow you to defend yourself mid-yard, and you can see why it can be more annoying.

Originally Posted by greenday5494
no. i am NEVER going to join a clan for two reasons:
1. it pretty much means you have no life
2. they have stupid rules like "no fighting in yard" or w/e shit. i like to have FUN, not to be contrainsted by some retarded rules.
Don't forget how most clans just exist to power-trip over their members, in any game.
Originally Posted by own3r
Its called he wants all heavy classes to be destroyed by snipers so only the "clan style" offence gets through to the enemy base. This is extremely stupid for two reasons:

1.) There is no clan style limits or positioning of sgs or hws in the enemy base and people can simply lock down the ramp and prevent the offence getting any further.

2.) Without heavier classes such as soldiers taking down the multitude of sentry guns and hws it impossible to get through and defence has it very easy resulting in a stalemate. Thus making this map no fun at all to play.
I agree. I would like to do more offense, but when 9/10 times I'm killed by a sniper before I'm halfway across the map, or enter the enemy base with 21/0, I pretty much stay in my base and defend. But also on defense it gets boring because all I'm killing is medics. Yawn...

Originally Posted by Credge
Don't make assumptions. All I play on are public servers. People rarely jump >unless< they know what they are doing. Most people don't know what they are doing.
I play on pubs and clan servers. I don't jump much because its not my style. I'm not playing Bunnyhop Forever. I will jump or bunnyhop as part of a tactic or sequence of moves, but I don't do it continuously. And I find it annoying to watch others constantly bouncing around the base, either defense or offense. I think it looks retarded, but that's just me apparently.

Originally Posted by Player
Why only care for clan play then? (curiosity)

Can't be arsed with videos or images (too much time for something so trivial), but I will admit that jumping is not as common as I was thought it was; however, it is not rare as you make it out to be.
He's trying to say that if you don't jump like a rabbit, you're not a good player. It's the old "You don't bunnyhop because you can't" mentality, and disregards the crowd who "Doesn't bunnyhop because they don't want to" and labels them as inferior. Typical elitist statement.
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