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Old 10-12-2007, 08:57 PM   #18
SoBe Green
SoBe Yourself
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The point is you aren't helpful to any community with a mindset like you have. I'm a member of a Counter-Strike community and I've played TFC since its release ZOMG!!!1111

TF2 is a great game. If you don't like it quit talking about it. Quit blaming it for the downfalls of FF. FF is also a great game.

Some of you forum members make me not even want to play this game for fear of having anything to do with you at all. You have horrible attitude and your parents should have beat the hell out of you.

I've waited on this game for a very long time and feel I shouldn't have to put up with people like bokko and others who just want to start shit on a message board because enjoy GAMES and not just one game.
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