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Old 10-10-2007, 05:51 PM   #6
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
Originally Posted by GhOsT
... On the other hand, TF2 is probably the major factor on why you feel the need to make this post.
Now please don't get mad at me, but I'll definitely agree and corroborate this. I'm a big TFC fan for the sheer fun of the game. I'm definitely not competitive(couldn't bunny hop to save my life), and in all my gaming years, TFC was actually the only one in which I was in a clan for any period of time. Well, I had a tag in my name for a while(and will admit, I've totally forgotten which one it was, just that it was a Belgian-based one). I just frequented some server and caught some people's eyes so they 'took me in' so to speak.

In any case, I'd been still playing TFC on and off(the odd 24-hour dustbowl 32player madness. lots of pole humping) and keeping a sideways glance at the FF site every now and then, just to see how it was faring, and any news of its release(watching videos and the like). When I heard of its release date I was really very excited and couldn't wait. Then when I heard that TF2 was going to have the same beta start date, I winced as I knew it would sway me(I love cartoony stuff, Monkey Island games, et al).

Anyway, the 'surprise' early FF release was awesome and I played that every chance I got for the week it was out before the 17th. I grew very attached to the Pyro(really really really love it), with its burn levels and all, checked this forum a lot during that week, etc.(the "no humping" sign was a lovely touch, haha). I checked the steam stats and like the "6th place" post showed, it had quite the number of players.

But ever since that fateful day, I haven't even loaded it up once, which I really regret because it's so great. But TF2 has just kept me that little bit more enthralled(personal opinion! please don't shoot). I also noticed that drastic drop to ~200 players from its previous +1000 or so.
Hopefully though, I see myself settling in to TF2 and finally getting past its novelty, then going back to FF like I did with TFC, when I crave for its different and more familiar style of gameplay.

So yeah, I'm definitely not surprised at the sudden drop in players, and I lament it. But ya'll seem dedicated enough to keep it alive and definitely keep the hope that people will slowly but surely trickle back into it. Maybe once those TFC players upgrade their PC's or something, heh(speaking of which, I definitely couldn't imagine myself playing TFC again with those graphics after running around in the FF world).