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Old 10-06-2007, 11:49 AM   #15
Fortress Forever Staff
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Originally Posted by A1win
Doors suck pretty much in every map (no I don't mean the weird behaviour of them caused by that server variable thingy, just the way they are made), at the exception of the front door in ff_shutdown2 - it stays open when a player is standing below it.

What I can't understand is that TFC was the only HL mod that had doors working as they should: when a player moves near a door, it opens, and when all players move away from the door, it closes.

Why can't doors work like this also in FF? I can think only two reasons, of which one is probably right:

A) Mappers have no idea what OnStartTouch and OnEndTouchAll outputs of trigger_multiple do. If the doors were made so that the trigger_multiple's OnStartTouch output triggers the func_door's Open input, the door would open when a player moves inside the trigger_multiple, and if the trigger_multiple's OnEndTouchAll output would trigger the func_door's Close input, the door would close when all players leave the trigger_multiple.

B) Mappers know exactly what OnStartTouch and OnEndTouch do, but because of bad network code or something, they don't work properly in multiplayer.

Now what I'd like to know is which one is the problem, A or B.

The problem is that maps like dustbowl, monkey, crossover, .. make use of the simply implemented door trigger system, which seems to make use of onTouch to open the door. Hence, once you entered the trigger brush, the door closes after a while and standing inside the triggerbrush doesn't reopen the door.

Maps like shutdown, push, well, blis_2fort, flare, .. have overrrided the door systems by making use of onTrigger systems. Hence whenever you're inside the triggerbrush, the door gets the open command. You still see the doors trying to close a bit, but this should be fixed soon.
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