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Old 09-28-2007, 08:14 PM   #1
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"Flag Rally" map idea

I'm finishing up with my first FF map and came up with an idea for the next one...

Basically a race between two flags. Both teams start at the same area, which is called "Start". Both flags spawn there, and the teams must carry them around the track, through a set of check points, to score. Imagine a rally race with flags instead of cars, and the road filled with all kinds of obstacles.

This kind of gameplay makes offense and defense use the same direction for both teams. This means defense needs to fight eachother for obtaining good defense spots, offense needs to fight defense to get past them, and offense can fight offense as a defense.

Here's a list of features I've planned so far:
  • One long straight street with a window for snipers at the other end. This should be easy to conc through, unless you get killed by the snipers of course.
  • One or two walls which can be blown open and closed by detpacks. Best way to use these is to close it just before the enemy flag gets through. If the wall is closed, you need to take an alternative route which is a bit longer.
  • High obstacles which can be passed by conc/grenade/rocket/pipe jumps. Alternative routes exist but they are again a little longer.
  • Good spots for engineers to build their sentry guns on.
  • Obstacles which can't be passed by players, but the flag can be thrown through them (or take a longer alternative route). This will encourage teamplay a bit.
  • Resupply "pits" at the sides of the raceway.
  • If the flag returns, it goes to the previous check point.

I haven't planned the theme or the size of the map yet, but I think it shouldn't be too big so defense wouldn't have to move too much and players would also be more packed up for more intense fights.

So if anyone has any ideas for the theme, size, shape of the track, name for the map or any other features, now it's the time to tell me! Also I'd like to know if there are any similar maps for TFC or anything.

Last edited by A1win; 09-29-2007 at 10:44 AM.
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