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Old 09-25-2007, 11:32 AM   #14
Fortress Forever Staff
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Mike, maybe you're being sarcastic or flaming intentionally, but the fast movement is the basis of what makes FF(/TFC) so fun for many ppl. FF has rightly done it's best to improve on this and make it as accessible and easy to learn as possible, but even in this dumbed down state (compared to TFC) FF is still a game that requires a lot of skill and practice to master. A game having so much depth like FF will inevitably scare off some ppl, but it's this depth that keeps ppl loving the game and learning new things even after many years. As well as the veterans, there will also be new players who are attracted to the game because of it's depth (this was how I myself got into TFC: I saw ppl doing crazy cool tricks with conc grens, and wanted to learn to do it. Concs are ofc just one tiny part of the potential skills to learn in the game, but my interest started from there. Even after playing the game for many years now, I'd say I've probably mastered about 1/4 of the players skills at most, and I still learn new things all the time. Anyway, that's how I got into TFC!).

And yeah I saw that review the other day and laughed pretty hard. It got even funnier when I went to their forums and saw ppl actually thinking they were having a semi-intellectual discussion about it... So many contradictions, errors, and lack of comprehension I don't even know which ones to point out.
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