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Old 09-22-2007, 10:14 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Mike.Gayner
I'm not so sure it's going to grow in popularity - all the hype about the release has caused a lot of downloads, but the problem is that it's bug-ridden, and full of elitist wankers who ruin it for new players. Compound that with the inevitable effect of TF2 on the player base - sadly, this mod was released WAY too late, and caters FAR too much to elite players (eg, bunnyhopping).

Also, does anyone remember the dev's going on and on about how they'd rather have the game released late and have it right, etc etc, and raving about how they wont release before they've finished their gay little 'training module'? Well, they've released a very much unfinished game (calling it V1 doesn't make it so), and released it at about the same time as TF2. So fale.
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