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Old 09-19-2007, 06:05 AM   #15
[OnA Pests] BullsLawDan
Posts Rated Helpful 7 Times
Originally Posted by MrBeefy
...and kicking someone because they don't like your choice of fluff drive-time filler reeks of that very same street-army, call-in-to-win-t-shirt-and-10-dollar-gift-certificate-to-Chili's-gift-pack, my-deejay-is-better-than-your-suckass-deejay mentality that i was describing. hence: you're tonight's winner of the prestigious inaugural "Douchebag Server of the Evening" award (cue wacky duck sound effect and goofy topical celebrity soundbyte)

feel free to plug your server, and call in again very very soon.
WOW... I mean you really hit the nail on the head about that radio show! I would swear you listen every day!

Wacky morning zoo!!