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Old 09-19-2007, 05:57 AM   #12
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
Originally Posted by MrBeefy
Narcissism Lane! who gave you my address?

...and kicking someone because they don't like your choice of fluff drive-time filler reeks of that very same street-army, call-in-to-win-t-shirt-and-10-dollar-gift-certificate-to-Chili's-gift-pack, my-deejay-is-better-than-your-suckass-deejay mentality that i was describing. hence: you're tonight's winner of the prestigious inaugural "Douchebag Server of the Evening" award (cue wacky duck sound effect and goofy topical celebrity soundbyte)
ooooooh! you got me! bwahahahahahaha dude!

What do you want? You were bashing our server and my mod who was in there said you were being whiny about what map was next and the way the server was run and then you bashed the O&A plug. I was in HLSW so I kicked you. I honestly thought you were some ass impersonating a DEV. I was just doing what I normally do to keep the server running with minimal drama and kick whiny cunts and assholes. You just happened to fit that mold. Had nothing to do with a radio show. You are just a plain old ordinary douche like the ones that I deal with in all of my servers.