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Old 09-18-2007, 09:55 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by fidy
As far as I know, there isn't a different set of rules for park-football and UEFA-Cup-football.
Since you can do what the hell you want in park football, they can be different if you want them to be. You might ignore the offside rule, for example. However, if I then went and joined someone else's football game who were going exactly by the book and started complaining because my goal was disallowed for offside, then how does that make me look?

Many rules in football have been formulated as a result of decisions by various leagues, and there have been many changes over the years. I'm not saying you have to like league rules or participate in using them on normal pub servers in FF, but when a general and widely recognised bunch of rules are in operation on a server and you're playing on the turf of those enforcing them, you just have to deal with it or go elsewhere.
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