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Old 09-14-2007, 07:51 AM   #89
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Ambex
Hey! the mod is awe inspiring.

I played and my first impressions are:

1. the door open badly in the spawnrooms

2. the medkit, singleshotgun have no real animations

3. It's too fast, all run too fast. In TFC you never run fast like this.
Sometimes it's really anoyying, because it's harder to aim on the enemy while he runs.

4. The map dustbowl is rofl-amazing, really amazing.

5. Weird sound on the shotgun. Like.. no power..

6. Possibly to make shadows for every player class to drop on ground? Like in CS Source.

7. It's really TFC on Hl2.

8. wtf was the problem with playing on 2fort? There's no map lol.

9. The decals, logos, and other shit is amazing. For example in dustbowl..

10. It's balanced, but the spy, you can actually see him cloacking even if he is not on your team. If you go very closely and nearby him you can see the clocking field.

11. the boat in arvark is amazing.
Spies aren't meant to be completly invisible :O
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