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Old 09-14-2007, 12:01 AM   #40
Stupid Idea Mill
Join Date: Jul 2007
Class/Position: D-pyro/demo O-scout/demo/pyro
Gametype: AvD
Affiliations: TPF
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Overall i think it's everything we've all been hoping for, but it does need some balance tweaking. It's all little things though aside from the Soldier, overheat, and sg's. Everything else may as well be considered aesthetics.

Big three problems?

1. Soldiers are the same as TFC. They rape EVERYTHING except long distance snipers. I don't even play soldier and i had no trouble slaughtering pretty much anyone or anything. It says something that soldiers don't seem to even bother worrying about SG's or HW's, they just run up to them firing and tend to come out on top.

2. Join a server and ask about overheat. Turn the volume down though, you don't want kids or ladies hearing that kind of language. Out of ~80 people I asked only 4 or 5 said they wouldn't rather have some other means of balancing him out than overheating, and all of them said it went against the whole point of the class.

3. Sentryguns. It's got 2 chainguns and a bigass radar dish on top, but it fires slowly enough and has a small enough range that on crossover people can just stand outside it's range and throw grenades at it, or run out and throw one and run back in before getting shot. They do enough damage it's just they don't really seem to be all that consistent.

Aside from those three things I literally have no complaints, everything else is exactly how I would expect it to be or just a run of the mill glitch in a first release. Animation errors and whatnot. I'll put together a bunch of screenshots and make a bugpost sometime tomorrow. For now I'm too damn addicted to stop for longer than it took to type this up.
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