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Old 09-01-2007, 09:08 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Etzell
You avoided my request for more justification, nor have you even offered your position on the issue.
Plural marriage is almost always a strictly religious issue. The large majority of pluralized marriage involves oppression of women, which I hope we can all agree is a horrible, horrible thing.
I agree the oppression of women is a horrible thing, but that's not a plural marriage issue it's an issue with the people doing the oppression, wouldn't you say? I also don't know that I would agree that the large majority of pluralized marriage involve oppression of women, since it's all done in secret for the most part because it is illegal I think stats are difficult to find. I also don't know that pluralized marriage is the CAUSE of oppression of women, but rather the result of the man doing the oppressing.

Originally Posted by Etzell
It happens in Islam, happened with Warren Jeffs, it has worked out poorly many more times than it's worked out well.
You feel because some religious people like it then it must be bad? Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

Religious people want plural marriage = Must be Illegal
Religious people don't want gay marriage = Must be Legal

Originally Posted by Etzell
Now that I've answered your question, how about you give some stances?
I didn't see that you asked me for my stance before. I think government should get out of the marriage.

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