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Old 04-21-2005, 07:45 PM   #152
Join Date: Apr 2005
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I picked up TFC when it first came out and everyone was just horrible at it. Some other horrible players invited me into their clan Cogent Alliance, or |CA|, before I even knew how to prime grenades, and we had a lot fun learning how to play the game. Then, somehow, we managed to climb the ranks of the clans out there at the time. We were not very skilled individually, but our teamwork and communication was excellent, to the point where we had the opportunity to play with giants. We fought clans like CE and KiN among many many others. Our clan never really won many championships, but we gained some recognition for being dangerous underdogs who could pull off wins against the best clans around.

So I just want to say hi and let you all know that I'm excited about the mod you're making. I won't be involved in the community, as I have always kept a low profile, but I eagerly look forward to the release.

And now here is some fun reading that I have kept saved in my favorites, and which I hope never goes offline. It can explain the intial appeal of TFC far better than I could. The month links are match writeups while the review links are news stories.
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