Thread: Stayin' Alive
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Old 06-03-2007, 11:50 PM   #109
The guy you love to hate.
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Dear Dev's


From one side of the map to the other???

This shouldn't be called Fortress Forever, it should be called CONC FOREVER.

And another thing...since you guys are determined to keep BHOP(which will undoubtedly turn off the noobs), it would be
nice if you made a howto tutorial for BHOP. A camera on your mouse, hands and screen.

Noob decides he wants to try out Fortress Forever.
Noob goes to Fortress Forever site and downloads the game
Noob Installs the game.
Noob Starts game and chooses a server.
Noob Joins server.
Noob Runs around map shooting at people when all of a sudden people
are hopping by him at 5X the normal speed.

Noob - "HEy1!!! that guy is speed chacking!!!!!"

BHOPguy2008 - "'s bunny hop Noob"

Noob - "whata iz teh bunny hpp????"

BHOPguy2008 - "i'm not telling you becuz i'm l337 and you suck"

Noob - "your a cheator haxor......F#$K this game"

--Noob has left the game--

Noob is not impressed with game and conserves hard drive space
by uninstalling Fortress Forever and says "F$%K that game, I'll tell my
friends how it's full of speed hackers and not worth playing."

Am I going overboard with this issue of BHOPPING?
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