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Old 05-08-2007, 08:30 PM   #334
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Originally Posted by ekiM
I've already stated that I, personally, agree with everything in this paragraph.
No, you haven't, but I'll take it now.

Originally Posted by ekiM
I've repeatedly, clearly and patiently explained to you that atheists in general are not logically committed to anything other than "God(s) do(es) not exist"
And I have not disagreed with you. However, were we do disagree is that in order for atheism to be absolutely true then other things must also be true. I could care less if they "know" or not how the universe is created, that's not the point here. If no one created the universe then there's only one other option, it was created by chance. You see that, you admit above that you see that. It's not possible, in any atheistic framework, for that not to be true. If an atheist below says:

Originally Posted by ekiM
A rather trivial example is that an atheist can simply answer "I don't know" when asked about these things.
... then that person isn't discounting that someone created the universe. If you don't if the universe was created by a higher being or not then your an Agnostic by default, not an Atheist. You can't have it both ways, "I don't know how the universe was created but I know that no God did it." is a complete contradiction, "not knowing" leaves the possibility open for a supreme being. If you don't know, then you don't know.
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