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Old 02-25-2007, 03:13 AM   #14
o_sta_sirtiger's Avatar
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Posts Rated Helpful 0 Times goes Sir....Tiger

Well, good luck with that. However, I have a question, your honor. Can I ask: Why are you doing such project? I don't really see the purpose of the mod...besides the waste of your time (except for the mapping part...I'll explain why). I can't see how this will be any popular in Gmod, and I see it completely useless. Instead, I suggest you semi-kill the project and go with another direction. You can possibly wait for FF to be released (which is very very soon I sense...) and then start mapping concmaps for the game. Here, people will actually be rewarded with skills once they play and complete the concmaps, boosting their concing skills for real gameplay. In Gmod, such skill will be a waste, serving no real purpose, and not accurate for TFC/FF/"Insert TF Mod Here." Taking on a huge list on yourself (although you didn't ask for help...claiming the original author's work [concmap_r] without asking permission) won't happen, unless you go with the "non detailed maps," which is not acceptable by the bitchy FF community. Like I said, wait for the mod to released, then start mapping one/two maps at a time, once you feel you are highly/mid experienced with mapping (be creative and artisitc!). Please don't take this as a negative post, I'm just trying to persuade you to take another direction instead. Hopefully, for the benefit of all, you follow into the ---right---> direction; after all, it is a win-win situation.

I actually believe concmap_r is almost completely mapped by someone around here...

Last edited by o_sta_sirtiger; 02-25-2007 at 03:20 AM.
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