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Old 02-16-2007, 08:01 PM   #41
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts Rated Helpful 2 Times
Originally Posted by Dospac
Actually, most conc/skills maps from TFC should work in FF as direct brush by brush ports. Concmap_r was one of the tests we used in FF to tweak conc strength.

The primary difference in FF at the moment is the chaining dynamic is slightly different than TFC. A flat ground drop conc is a bit more powerful in the horizontal and a bit less in the vertical, but subsequent held concs while in the air don't provide quite the same additional velocity.

However, the conc radius is slightly increased, and because of this, very skilled trickers can get a significantly larger boost off of them if they time it very well. I would say this aspect is improved from TFC, as the skill curve is just a bit higher in the timing department for hardcore players. There is more room at the upper end of the skill spectrum, which should work out quite nicely.

I'm not certain if mirv coded them that way on purpose or if it just randomly turned out better. At any rate, you honestly have nothing to worry about, and you shouldn't assume that the dev team is so unfamiliar with the TJ community. Some of us have been around a looooong time.
That's assuring to hear .

Lost: I'd have to send you a demo... but it's starting off with an HH, and then doing another HH in the air. Usually done by laying two on the ground, HHing third, throwing fourth up as you're going up and holding fifth. If you time it right, the fourth will fall below you and then you'll be able to HH the 5th for more height.

Makes it a lot easier to do the last jump on 2v2.
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