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Old 02-08-2007, 02:53 PM   #14
o_[ae] 5316 *tkz*
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Canada, Windsor.
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Originally Posted by Loader
Erm? Most people I have spoken to, and myself, have noticed a HUGE *drop* in FPS on all games.

Currently WoW runs at about 15FPS, CSS at 30FPS and TFC at about 10FPS.

Why? Lack of drivers atm.

I imagine individual machine spec's play a large factor in overall performance.

Everybody I spoke to are running new machines, +/- top of the line.

Just have to wait and see. If I notice a major drop in performance, then Ill revert back to XP, and shelf Vista till more drivers are available.

Tho, I did a pre install check last night, and there are Vista supported drivers for all of my hardware, so I'm not too worried. Hell, even my BIOS had a vista update available.. So thats all flashed up and ready to roll.

My specs, just incase you're curious:
AMD X2 4400+ Dual Core 2.2 Ghz (Cranked up to 2.6 whilst gaming)
MSI K9N Platinum Mobo
ATI Radion X1300 PCIe Vid Card (512MB mem)
2 gigs of Corsair TWINX DDR2 800Mhz (4x 512 - Dual Channel)
2 200 gig SATA 300 WD Hard drives (non raid)

I know my video card leaves a lot to be desired. Considering the mobo is nForce, I'll be dumping the card for a DX10 nVidia card once they drop in price.
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