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Old 12-01-2006, 06:29 AM   #50
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Originally Posted by trepid_jon
And yeah, Smack's reason for not playing cz2 is exactly what we have to fix. TFC's cz2 was a pretty underplayed, boring we're hoping to make ff_cz2 less boring in any ways that we can. Trying to get rid of annoyances, because annoyances just drive players away.
Personally I like CZ2 _way_ more than the insanely huge Canalzone with 9 (or seven? Not sure, can't find them anyway...) CPs, a seemingly indefinite number of secret passages and probably more crazy shit I don't even know... (Someone posted an QWTF Skillvideo with CZ on this page...)
This game just is a little harder than cs and stuff, so you will have maps that don't work as well/at all on public servers... I had some really great and enjoyable matches on CZ2 (Fullcap in a war feels great ^_^)

Btw. before you start (or go on) whining about not being in the beta just know that your chance of getting in is definitely way higher than mine ^_^
Hell, I'd understand if there was no download available for rannibunny as soon as the game is finished o_O
I sure as hell wouldn't allow me to play!
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