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Old 11-24-2006, 06:20 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by PsYcNeT
Jews aren't technically a race though, being a half-one, I can tell you we come from all over the world and generally are more referred to in religion rather than color or visual characteristics (genetics). The NA stereotype Jew tends to be the big nosed, curly dark haired type (like myself), while an Isreali Jew is more often than not very Arabic looking. Could be all that living in the middle east...

Hating Jews = Anti-Semitism, not racism.

As for those who hate Zionists, yeah, I hate how they perverted the idea of Zionism too, so you have my blessing
Last time i checked arabs looked like arabs and Israeli jews looked like jews with a strong resemblance to the country they (or their parents) migrated
from. Plus "..all that living in the middle east.." is something like 50 years. So, yeah.. Lets pull some more facts out of our butts.

americans are all a bunch of silly indians anyway.
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