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Old 10-16-2006, 11:44 AM   #14
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Originally Posted by CatzEyes93
With as much work as it takes to fill up a dispenser to max capacity..yeah... I would prefer to keep the blast radious to what it is now. If you get killed by a dispenser blast, you really have not been paying attention. I have only seen noobs get suckered by one. Rarely does a seasoned player get caught touchin or getting close to one.
Whenever I play engy in clan matches I get at least 5-6 dispenser kills in a round. Obviously if you put it in the middle of a room people aren't going to be stupid enough to go near it without destroying it. Howerver, if you put it near the flag or near a doorway you are covering in a way that cannot be seen as the enemy enters the area it's pretty easy to snag kills with the dispenser. And this is against "seasoned players."
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