Thread: Community FAQ
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Old 07-27-2006, 04:22 AM   #32
o_geokill----->'s Avatar
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Location: Fort Worth, Tejas
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Will emp jumping be implented into FF?

Originally Posted by Defrag
It's in; worry ye not!


Will the sabotage skill work into clan style match as it seem only sutible for public play?

Originally Posted by Defrag
I can see it happening & fitting in :P

A lot of the time the engineer will come back and set up a sentry gun in the flag room before the flag has been lost (like the flag will be at the front door soon to be lost and most of the enemy O will be trying to get the flag). When the engy is toing and froing to/from the respawn with no backup = perfect time to sabotage then hide...


Will engineers get a warning if a spy disguised as their team?

Originally Posted by Defrag
Engineers do not get a warning if a spy disguised as their team or an ally of their team touches their dispenser


Is the pyro going to have a seperate model for the rocket launcher?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
The pyro rocket launcher will have its own unique model at somepoint in time. The soldier RPG is currently serving as a placeholder.


Is there going to be team colour weapons?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
Doing team-coloured textures on various weapons isn't going to happen (at least officially, there's no real problem in doing it as custom content).

The reason for this is that we don't have TFC's luxury of a predefined colour pallette which can be easily adjusted by the engine. Each team-colour variation would need its own texture, so instead of 1 RPG skin we need 4.

Since all v_ model textures are 1024x1024 (well, most - the knife & spanner are 512x1024) this would be extremely wasteful. Remember there are a lot of weapons in FF, bumping up the texture count by 4x would chew up resources for comparitively very little and frankly just isn't worth it.

I think the v_ model arms are still planned on being teamcoloured, we just ain't got round to it yet. ;D

Originally Posted by Defrag
We've tried / considered a number of solutions for the team colouring and we've also tried a material proxy for colouring on the fly. It lagged like hell from what I can remember. The other option was to use the alpha channel of the texture to determine which parts are teamcoloured, but this limits the use of transparency / self-illumination. In the end we just bit the bullet and went with what we're doing now.

We can always go back in future and test more stuff, but at the time a decision had to be made so we could move on swiftly.


Could you guys develop a GUI perhaps, for editing class configs in depth?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
I think it's a good idea, and I believe it was discussed at some point.

I think it'd be useful if it had context-sensitive tips that told you what each cvar does so you don't need to keep a print-out or something close by.

However, it's not a critical system and if it's to be done I doubt it'll be around in the first few releases.


Can spy have cameras as an ability?

Originally Posted by Defrag
It's already been discussed a few times. TF moves too quickly for camera style reconaissance to be a really useful part of the gameplay. Cameras also result in a fairly large framerate hit (multiple cameras in a level is currently supported in FF from what I remember, as mulch added it).


About what size ration will the models be compare to the maps?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
SG scale for all 3 levels is currently whack and needs fixerin'.

As for map sizes, they're leaning more toward TFC scale than Quake scale I think.

Originally Posted by Defrag
Maps are about half the size of a player model, look:

proof! The soldier is living in a miniature world.

I.e. depending on the screenshot, angle, fov and so on, it can be misleading.


Are player models going to show a sort of motion blur when reach at a certain speed?

Originally Posted by Defrag
We were thinking about making player models use a motion blur shader if they reach a speed that is greater than x units, but that takes time to code and it also means a performance hit. We haven't really considered using shaders for first person stuff if you're going really fast.


After you die will it be possible to look around in a 360 view like in TFC?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
currently, if mp_forcerespawn is off you can look around after you've died - you will only spawn when you hit a key. if it's on you spawn instantly.


Are player models going to have mouth animations?

Originally Posted by Defrag
We haven't bothered with mouth animations purely because they'll look pretty lame compared to the quality players are used to in HL2. HL2's animation technology works by hooking the properties from the wave files; each syllable of each word has a tag that the game can read and use to determine which shape the mouth will make. This stuff is all manually set up; there is no real way to do it on the fly when people speak, so the only alternative is having the generic "fish mouth" animation ... so.. no. It's pretty much a waste of time.

Also, how many people have truthfully noticed the animated mouths with the new TFC models? Bear in mind that it takes time to add the code add further bones to the models and make sure the mouths are properly deformable. It's a time investment that doesn't make sense, really.

The only animations we were considering are just standard things the players do. One idea was to have the HW have a manic grin when the AC was firing, but the TF2 trailer already has this haha (good job valve 'cause it does look really cool). We never got around to it anyway and I doubt we'll get around to anything like this soon. Too many other things to be worrying about, I'm afraid.


Are fgs going to be neaded to map?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
You won't need an fgd really.

Well, I mean, you just need a brush based trigger called "trigger_ff_script" and a point based entity called "info_ff_script".

The rest is LUA!


Is the FF team going to have a documentation for using LUA?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
Yeah, that's the plan. And, the plan is for it to be designed from a non-programming standpoint. Jesse didn't like my idea of an inheritance chart. Haha.

But yeah, for the objects that are exposed to lua, like our CFFPlayer, CFFTeam, CBaseEntity, etc, we'll have extensive documentation for all the functions you can use and what they do. We're using luabind so everything's pretty awesome. You can also write a bunch of jibberish in the lua file and it won't crash the game or anything. Annnnnd, from a programming standpoint, using luabind lets us add features and functionality so much easier than how we were doing stuff. Olah's revolutionalized (just coined it) the lua.


Are the FF team going to have left hand first person models?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
Man I hate that left handed gun stuff ha. The thing is, most guns are made (by default) to be held with the right hand and that's just the way it should be. :P

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
The problem is, rockets and stuff come out of the right side of the screen whereas in CS and the like everything is just bullets which come out of the exact centre.

Having a weapon model on the left only for it to fire on the right would be pretty bizarre.


What can I do to just make a simple map with out knowlege of LUA?

Originally Posted by Defrag
If all you want to do is use it without understanding what's going on, you can just include the base methods and then use the prefabricated game type entities (which is as simple as naming an entity appropriately and dropping it into your map). E.g. for ctf, all you do is drop in entities named red_flag, blue_flag, red_cap, blue_cap etc and away it goes.


With LUA it seems that map hacking will be very easy to do; what is being done about that?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
that is a good point to bring up as map hacking could become very prevelent (and really easy to do...). we're hoping to embed the lua files into the maps themselves though to prevent this (and run crc checks on the lua file).


How much damage will the spy take upon falling?

Originally Posted by Defrag
The spy already takes half fall damage in FF, and the condition for the fall damage is harder to trigger.


Is there going to be different color armour in FF like in TFC?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
This was a hot topic a few months ago.

Apparently in TFC you could pick up, say, green armour as a soldier instead of red armour. So 200 green would mean you'd take more damage than if you had 200 red.

In FF each class retains their Red/Yellow/Green armour use, but armour you pick up will just be generic armour points. So if you gain 50 armour as a soldier, it'll always be 50 red armour regardless of the source. Likewise medics will always gain yellow armour, and so on.

Originally Posted by Defrag
Yeah fc is correct. Also, if you're a medic in TFC, you start out with green armour and picking up an armour pack uprades your armour type to yellow. If an engineer wrenches you, you don't get upraded. Nuances like this have been removed from FF because they really don't serve a purpose in the majority of maps and only serve to confuse.


Last edited by o_geokill----->; 07-31-2006 at 06:13 AM.
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