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Old 06-11-2006, 10:12 AM   #170
o_comrade tiki
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I'm such a negative person...!

...looks like a bubble gun or a neon light! The TFC default represented it better.

I like.

Awesome player model.
Textures make it feel a lot different, and I think the red logo really isn't classic at all... too much like Quake 4 or something new. I guess it also reminds me of the alienware logo, and isn't skull-like. I also suppose the light beacon makes me think of one of those things I just compared it to, does it change colour to show who owns which command point?

Err... no it isn't. I like the layout as seen, but all of those curves seem too high detail to run reasonably enough.

Spy concept(s):
Overgeared, in my opinion. So many pads. But not terrible.

Pyro: (THIS is where my interests are)
- Boots should fit tighter or at least have the side pull-straps as seen in concept. Either way they could use more definition.
- Tank needs to be more secure!
- One tank for all of that ammo AND still providing breathable air? Wow! Why to his glove? He could use a second tank and a hookup to the flamer...
- Helmet light is distracting. IT BETTER WORK if it stays!
- Belt should go OVER the side-pants... or at LEAST continue to the back. The butt looks too plain as-is.
- Face looks like Jason. I liked the concept sketch's mask cover that dropped down from the visor to the neck, ignoring the face except for breathing apparatus showing through it. Although I like the current head, I would prefer to play with the concept sketch pyro in-game. Simpler and cleaner instead of fuzzy. Also without helmet/distracting light.

A lot of that stuff looks unnecessary, but no further complaints. The blue logo is good, at least it resembles what it is a little bit better.
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