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Old 05-30-2006, 10:19 PM   #128
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The elevator has a roof on it, so the attackers are somewhat safe from spam.
I was planning on making this CP be like the 3rd dustbowl cp, in that the attackers get 2 frag grenades, and the defenders get no grenades, and the defenders also start at half armor. But this is all up for gameplay tweaking.

Like I was saying before, the plan is to make CP3 short an difficult. I'm hoping that the offence won't tend to get pinned downby the elevator, and that they'll actually be able to push their way up the cliff. Defensive soldiers and demos should have plenty to do trying to blast people off the cliffside, but I'm also hoping that the area around the CP is actually enough of a choke point to make SGs and HWs effective. I'm probably going to also play around with raising and lowering the cliff heights to suit a rocket jumping soldier.

Btw, I've actually made some progress on the middle area. I might just finish this map after all (although the compilers still don't work...)
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