Thread: Anime
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Old 05-08-2006, 05:52 PM   #63
o_nezumi's Avatar
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I just recently watched all of Evangelion, and guess what?

That show fucking sucks. I mean... WOW!!

The middle of the show (after Shinji stopped being a total bitch) was pretty good, with cool action and the nifty plot about the angels and stuff, but then in the last two episodes, for some reason they decided to give up the plot and ignore all the character development done since the second episode and give a big 'Fuck You' to the audience.


Well, I hear that the movie kinda made up for this (I haven't seen it).

I took the "Nezumi: Save Megumi Hayashibara with your giant robot" out of my sig when I saw the end of this show.

I gotta see pom poko. I should see if I can download it. I also gotta see Grave of the Fireflies. That's been on my hard drive for at least 2 years but I've been too scared to watch it this whole time*.

And this essentially falls under the category of anime, so has anyone seen Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children? That movie ROCKS. There has never untill now EVER been a movie based on a game PERIOD. This move gets all the little details from the game down just like everyone always wishes a movie would. Like, everyon'es little mannerisms and inside jokes everywhere and everything. It's awesome. The movie won't make a damn bit of sense unless you've played the game (The movie takes place 2 years after the game ends and they don't really fill you in on the details of what happened in the game), but it's still beautiful to watch. The animation is even better than the Final Fantasy movie. Not to mention the plot, characters, and so on. The movie basically is one big fight scene, but damn is it an awesome fight scene.

My one gripe is that the music is kinda dissapointing. I mean, the best composer of all time, Nobuo Uematsu, did the music for the game, of course, but a lot of the music in the movie is crappy re-interpretations of the game music or original music that just can't hold a candle. Some of it's all right but I can't understand why, for example, they didn't use the 'Crazy Bike Chase' song during the crazy bike chase. It's baffling, but hey. I guess Uematsu was too busing running around with his band The Black Mages to make any music for this movie.

*Because I hear it's just about the saddest movie ever, not because it's scary.

P.S. My avatar is Yuffie from FFVII, for those not in the loop
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