Auto-selecting a team always puts you on Blue team
08-08-2011 01:17 PM
Nade Whore
Auto-selecting a team always puts you on Blue team
Self explanatory title. Since there is no working auto-team-balance plugin for FF, this can make it difficult to deal with, especially considering there is also no option in SM to switch someone to a different team. I'll usually end up switching to the team with the lowest amount of people, but I can only say that for myself.
Issue Details
Category General Game
Status Fixed
Priority 1 - Highest
Affected Version Undefined
Fixed Version (none)
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08-09-2011 12:05 AM
Slayer of humans
Doesn't always do it for me and I always hit auto select. The majority of time I end up on blue, mainly if the teams are even (its about 70 percent of the time that I end up on blue) or if red has 1 extra.
08-10-2011 04:50 AM
Isn't the issue with this only when the map starts?
08-10-2011 09:20 PM
Nade Whore
Nope, just tested it. It was 3v3, blue had 5 caps, red had 1 cap. It should put me on the Red team, but auto select still moves me to Blue.
08-10-2011 09:23 PM
I'm guessing it depends on numbers, nothing to do with score. If it is equal it will always go to blue, blue has more players? it'll go to red ect you get the idea
08-10-2011 09:39 PM
Stuff Do-er
Yeah, it's based on player numbers only. If blue has 2 players and red has 1, auto-assign should put you on red. If they are even, I guess it just goes with the first team. Could make it solve ties using team scores...
08-10-2011 11:00 PM
Nade Whore
I think that'd be better because it would make sense that if teams are even, but one team is PWNING the other team, that someone that joins the server would get put on the losing team so they could stand more of a chance. For cases like OvD, it would help in this respect as well.
08-11-2011 03:24 AM
Slayer of humans
Originally Posted by KubeDawg
I think that'd be better because it would make sense that if teams are even, but one team is PWNING the other team, that someone that joins the server would get put on the losing team so they could stand more of a chance. For cases like OvD, it would help in this respect as well.
I do like that idea. Many times I have joined a game, and the red were getting slaughtered, teams were even and I was put on the blue team. (I usually only ever hit auto select, unless the teams are even and I see more people on one team I want to hunt more)
02-24-2012 12:30 AM
Gets tickled by FF
It's done. Should be in beta whenever we next compile.
04-19-2012 08:55 PM
Nade Whore
Just a question, Elmo. Did you fix just the auto select always goes to blue team, or did did you also fix the auto team balance in general? I think that's a MUST HAVE for the next version of FF.
04-19-2012 10:33 PM
Stuff Do-er
What do you mean fix auto team balance in general? There is no auto team balance in general to fix, is there?
04-19-2012 11:00 PM
Nade Whore
Implement, then. :D
Auto team balance would help pubs a great deal, or at least have a cvar admins can turn on/off.
04-19-2012 11:07 PM
Stuff Do-er
Do many games have that functionality built-in? Isn't that mostly done by server plugins? Plus, it'd have to be controlled by Lua in some fashion for FF, because some gametypes require vastly different player-per-team ratios than others (Hunted, for example). Basically, someone should write a sweet autobalance Lua for use with sv_globalluascript.
04-19-2012 11:51 PM
Nade Whore
I thought maybe CS 1.6 had it, but maybe it's just a default plugin with amx mod.
06-03-2012 02:50 PM
Nade Whore
I checked the Sourcemod website and couldn't locate a plugin for Auto team balance except for one that forces you to hit Auto Assign at any time. Only person I know who makes SM plugins is striker. Does anyone know how to make something like this, but with LUA?
06-07-2012 02:27 AM
internet user
does lua have access to team scores? i'll try it if so
06-07-2012 04:40 AM
Stuff Do-er
Yes. It's definitely possible with Lua. ApplyToPlayer() (to force change teams) can be a bit weird sometimes, though.
Here's how to get a team's score:
local team1id = Team.kBlue
local team1 = GetTeam(team1id)
local team1score = team1:GetScore()
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