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Detpack went off 26 seconds early Issue Tools
issueid=276 03-08-2010 03:07 AM
Slayer of humans
Detpack went off 26 seconds early
Detpack went off 26 seconds early

I had the detpack set, it wasn't disabled by a scout, when it blew everything shook like it normally does. I know there was 26 seconds left on the timer as I was looking at it when it went off and dissapered off the screen.
Issue Details
Project Fortress Forever
Category General Game
Status Unconfirmed
Priority 3
Affected Version 2.4
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 1
Users unable to reproduce bug 1
Assigned Users Elmo
Tags (none)

03-10-2010 02:21 AM
internet user
Are there any weird factors you can think of in your situation? I cannot reproduce
03-10-2010 05:39 AM
Did it get EMPed?
03-10-2010 12:38 PM
If you remember what date/time whereabouts this happened I can snag the log (if it was on [o-t])
03-10-2010 03:58 PM
Slayer of humans
Originally Posted by Dexter
Are there any weird factors you can think of in your situation? I cannot reproduce
Nope, I set it for 50 seconds then ran. The generator was already down.

Originally Posted by AfterShock
Did it get EMPed?
I didn't know emps did anything to them. I have no idea if it was or not, I wasn't in the room at the time.

Originally Posted by Scuzzy
If you remember what date/time whereabouts this happened I can snag the log (if it was on [o-t])
It happened somewhere between
March 7, 2010, 9:38:05 PM AST (8:38:05 PM EST)
March 7, 2010, 10:05:14 PM AST (9:05:14 PM EST)

It was set in the generator room, though the generator was still down. I left it in there just in case an engi fixed it. And yup it was on the OT server.
03-10-2010 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Gwarsbane
I didn't know emps did anything to them. I have no idea if it was or not, I wasn't in the room at the time.
they do, emps blow up grellow pipes if you toss one on them...I would imagine that's what happened
03-10-2010 05:57 PM
EMPs reduce the detpack timer to 5 seconds. Maybe the HUD timer doesn't update when that happens?
03-10-2010 06:44 PM
I've never seen or heard of this emp sapping stuff. When was this introduced???
03-10-2010 06:59 PM
The hudtext doesn't get updated when an EMP hits the detpack.
03-10-2010 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by moosh
I've never seen or heard of this emp sapping stuff. When was this introduced???
Since TFC.
03-10-2010 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Raynian
EMPs reduce the detpack timer to 5 seconds. Maybe the HUD timer doesn't update when that happens?
no, they blow them up...instantly. But not updating the HUD is likely a bug that should be looked at.

Edit: and yeah, that's been around since TFC...same with bags, they blow up any bags that are around.
03-10-2010 09:47 PM
Slayer of humans
I knew emps blew the bags and pipes but I had no idea they messed with the det pack too.
03-11-2010 05:20 AM
Stuff Do-er
Yeah, I had no idea EMPs interacted with detpacks.
03-11-2010 08:06 AM
Found the incident in the log. There's no logging to say someone emped it though.

03-11-2010 09:20 AM
dam I really shouldn't read shit when I'm going on 70 hours of work in a week...the whole time I though we were talking about grellows. I didn't realize they effected det packs either. Gonna have to test that sometime. Also scuzzy, can you past the log into privatepaste or something and give us a link?
03-11-2010 02:18 PM
I've tested this already. If you emp a detpack it goes down to 5 secs but the hud doesn't update.
03-11-2010 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dr.Satan
dam I really shouldn't read shit when I'm going on 70 hours of work in a week...the whole time I though we were talking about grellows. I didn't realize they effected det packs either. Gonna have to test that sometime. Also scuzzy, can you past the log into privatepaste or something and give us a link?
There's not much to see, but I think whoever said it was an EMP was right, here's why:

L 03/07/2010 - 20:35:49: "Grocery ClerK CL3<468><STEAM_0:1:21640339><#FF_TEAM_RED>" triggered "player_changeclass" (oldclass "spy") (newclass "engineer")
L 03/07/2010 - 20:41:01: "Lopestyler<475><STEAM_0:0:22313877><#FF_TEAM_BLUE>" killed "Mojo<471><STEAM_0:1:4390050><#FF_TEAM_RED>" with "weapon_assaultcannon"
L 03/07/2010 - 20:41:01: "Gwarsbane<478><STEAM_0:0:7201931><#FF_TEAM_BLUE>" triggered "build_detpack"
L 03/07/2010 - 20:41:03: "dre<481><STEAM_0:0:11855620><>" STEAM USERID validated
L 03/07/2010 - 20:41:05: "Lopestyler<475><STEAM_0:0:22313877><#FF_TEAM_BLUE>" killed "Chickenprotector<459><STEAM_0:0:10280228><#FF_TEAM_RED>" with "weapon_assaultcannon"
L 03/07/2010 - 20:41:06: "Gwarsbane<478><STEAM_0:0:7201931><#FF_TEAM_BLUE>" triggered "detpack_detonated"
L 03/07/2010 - 20:41:06: "Gwarsbane<478><STEAM_0:0:7201931><#FF_TEAM_BLUE>" killed "Grocery ClerK CL3<468><STEAM_0:1:21640339><#FF_TEAM_RED>" with "Detpack"
L 03/07/2010 - 20:41:13: "Ronzui<476><STEAM_0:0:16515001><#FF_TEAM_BLUE>" triggered "flag_touch" (flag_name "red_flag") (player_origin "676.58, -2210.81, -476.2") (player_health "31")
GC is an engineer and is next to it when it goes off. My guess is he whipped an emp at someone near there and blew himself to kingdom come. That's the only premature ejaculation of one of gwar's detpacks.
03-11-2010 04:57 PM
And to clarify - EMPs will not add time to the detpack. If the detpack will explode in less than five seconds, it has no effect.
03-12-2010 05:49 PM
that's really interesting...I honestly had no clue it did that.

Edit: If this is true (not saying it isn't) we need to add a hud indicator when a detpack is emped and update the timer.
03-13-2010 01:24 AM
After all these tfc/ff years, i have never seen this either.

Probably because everyone ducks for cover. :)

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