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Infection persists after class change Issue Tools
issueid=280 03-30-2010 09:11 PM
Infection persists after class change

If you infect someone as a Medic and then change to another class, the infection will continue to damage the players you infected when you were a Medic. If they die due to the infection, the death icon will show as the weapon you are currently using as the switched class.
Issue Details
Project Fortress Forever
Category General Game
Status Fixed
Priority 3
Affected Version 2.4
Fixed Version 2.42
Users able to reproduce bug 1
Users unable to reproduce bug 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

03-31-2010 02:00 AM
I think this is a feature, not a bug.
03-31-2010 08:06 AM
Hmm... You got my vote.
04-01-2010 10:32 PM
The infection should continue, with infection death resulting in a kill/death increment as usual; but the inconsistent death weapon is a bug.

Related, when you switch teams infection still continues, and the death message shows what looks like a team kill. IMHO switching teams should have the same effect on infection continuation as leaving the game - i.e. infection should cease (I think...)
04-01-2010 11:10 PM
The infection should not continue if you switch classes. Why should I obtain a benefit I get playing Medic while I am playing another class? It would be like deploying a jump pad and switching to Heavy and still being able to use it. It would be like deploying a sentry gun and switching to Demoman. Get my point? Fix it.
04-01-2010 11:59 PM
Hmm, some good examples, maybe you're right. However, I'd consider the infection a 'launched weapon' though, some counter-examples:

- Throw a mirv and switch class - mirv still explodes/kills
- Place a detpack and switch class - detpack still explodes
- Launch a rocket...
- Set someone on fire with IC...

TBH I can't say 100% what the intended/actual behaviour is there. Having objects and effects simply stop/disappear seems weird and could be confusing - many will think the behaviour is a bug. Since you're still on the same team, I would suggest the damage still count and benefit your team - otherwise the class switch is detrimental.

Don't have time to think it through ATM, but I suspect there are corner cases where making the right choice here could help/hurt griefing (think dropping mirvs in spawn and switching class/team.)
04-02-2010 01:10 AM
Stuff Do-er
Originally Posted by Born_In_Xixax
- Throw a mirv and switch class - mirv still explodes/kills
- Place a detpack and switch class - detpack still explodes
- Launch a rocket...
- Set someone on fire with IC...
Are you sure these are true? Burn damage maybe, but grenades and detpacks I'm positive disappear when you change classes/teams.
04-02-2010 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Bridget
The infection should not continue if you switch classes. Why should I obtain a benefit I get playing Medic while I am playing another class? It would be like deploying a jump pad and switching to Heavy and still being able to use it. It would be like deploying a sentry gun and switching to Demoman. Get my point? Fix it.
Apples and oranges.
04-02-2010 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Raynian
Apples and oranges.
Not really.
04-02-2010 04:33 AM
Ya really.
04-02-2010 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by squeek.
Are you sure these are true? Burn damage maybe, but grenades and detpacks I'm positive disappear when you change classes/teams.
TBH I'm not sure on all of these scenarios. Haven't played in a few weeks :/

I'm turning into Bridget.
04-02-2010 07:29 AM
squeek is right.
04-05-2010 08:26 PM
I know for a fact detpacks disappear after changing classes
04-08-2010 07:42 AM
I can't believe this topic actually got any replies cos frankly who the fuck cares? The infection is not some crazy super weapon that will be abused by team switching, it doesn't need "fixed" it doesn't need changed. What needs fixed is people talking about the game all the time but never actually playing it.
04-08-2010 11:13 AM
It's a bug that produces an unfair advantage. That should be fixed.
04-09-2010 01:08 AM
Seriously? One (eventual) death is an unfair advantage?

You might as well just be complaining about MIRVs giving an unfair advantage, since those kill people damn quickly, letting you change class right afterwards! Hell, it's probably easier, too, with the shitty hitboxes on melee weapons.
04-09-2010 07:45 AM
It's a bug.
04-09-2010 07:52 AM
Stuff Do-er
I think it's fair to call this a bug. You're killing someone with a weapon that you no longer have access to. Plus, switching to the other team makes the kill show up as a friendly fire kill. Either way there's some sort of bug involved.
06-01-2010 04:54 AM
internet user
Bumping this. There was code in place to check if the medic changed teams and to remove infection if so, if that still happens and it gives a teamkill, thats weird. I added a case for if the player switches from medic class, too. but there is a chance none of the code works apparently. If I could get a beta to test with me that would be great.

nevermind. got it fixed pretty sure. removed on team change, class change.

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