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(re)implement the flag weapon Issue Tools
issueid=267 02-06-2010 08:44 AM
(re)implement the flag weapon

For those who don't know, the development team once thought about having the flag become a weapon when you picked it up. There is a current defunct version in game now (ff_weapon_flag). There is some information on the Wiki ( about how it was problematic, so here's how I would make it work technically:
  1. When the flag is picked up, hide it (set null modelskin?).
  2. Save the player's weapon loadout in an array.
  3. Strip the player of his weapons.
  4. Give them the flag weapon.
When the player drops the flag, sort through the array and give the player his weapons back while returning the 'on model' flag to its original modelskin. Does anyone else like this idea? When you have the flag, it can be used as a melee weapon and replaces the rest of your weapons temporarily, so you can't move the flag AND engage enemies within taking a huge and somewhat redundant risk (melee). Yes or no?

Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category General Game
Status Rejected
Priority 10 - Lowest
Suggested Version Undefined
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 4
Votes against this feature 8
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

02-06-2010 08:48 AM
Well... that sounds like pure win. :D
02-06-2010 10:49 AM
How about throw in some bloody decals on the flag when you hit someone,then we have a deal.
02-06-2010 06:21 PM
So you're telling me if I have the flag I can't shotty somebody? Sounds like a horrible idea.
02-06-2010 08:06 PM
zE zE is offline
Pew pew ze beams
Originally Posted by killu
So you're telling me if I have the flag I can't shotty somebody? Sounds like a horrible idea.
02-06-2010 08:39 PM
many people are still more interested in kills over flags even in pickups/clanplay etc.

so it would make many people reluctant to even consider going for flag.
02-06-2010 09:07 PM
If the flag were made into a wicked awesome melee weapon that does 80 damage a swing, then maybe I would vote for this. If your only option is going to be melee, then make it a good weapon.

This brings up the question of why we don't make the Civilian's umbrella a good weapon.
02-06-2010 09:54 PM
Slayer of humans
I see a few problems....

If you can't use your weapons to even just defend yourself while you have the flag, then no one will want the flag.

If there is too little damage you get the same as above.

If it does too much damage then people won't bother to cap the flag they will just run around trying to crow bar people.

The suggestion might be ok for clan/league/pickup play where you have rules for playing and those rules are agreed upon before playing, but it would kill the pubs. Without the pubs the clans/leagues/pickups have no one new to join into them.
02-07-2010 02:28 AM
In the case where the flag is made too powerful of a melee weapon, I see two results.

A) If people want to get the flag that badly just so they can beat people to death with it, at least they're going for the flag. If they kill some people on the way out, then hell yes it was a good change.

B) If they die before escaping with it, they still contributed to the actual objective of getting the flag back to base. Other players will probably grab it and continue on.

I think I would prefer people going for the flag for the wrong reasons rather than no one going for the flag at all.
02-07-2010 03:43 AM
Slayer of humans
yes but if the flag is powerful enough to kill easily then at the very least some wouldn't want to give it up by capping.

Again I see nothing good about this idea
02-07-2010 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by killu
So you're telling me if I have the flag I can't shotty somebody? Sounds like a horrible idea.

Double/quad damage on the crowbar/medkit/knife would be cool, though. Just don't restrict all the other weapons.
02-08-2010 06:27 AM
Community Member
02-08-2010 08:18 AM
02-08-2010 01:23 PM
02-08-2010 06:18 PM

But seriously, that looks sweet. Needs to be smaller, like they discussed in the old post.
02-09-2010 06:36 PM
Who the fuck is this guy?
Or just hold the flag more at the base. Thus you only see a pole while running, and the flag when swinging.
02-11-2010 11:37 PM
Why would you have to make it the only weapon possible? Could it not be an option at least? Possibly a 2x cbar damage. I, for one, would enjoy whooping someone's tail with a flag if I had the option. It would be absolutely humiliating to die that way, so I would love to do that to someone else. :D
02-14-2010 01:58 AM
This is still alive?
Being hit by the flag should result in an instant kill, and the rag doll should fly a few thousand meters.

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